Horizons Saturday School - Fall 2023, Week 3


Hi Everyone,

We are thrilled to share some exciting highlights from our most recent Saturday of Horizons at Harley’s fall enrichment program. First and foremost, we're proud to report an impressive attendance rate of 92%, a testament to the commitment and enthusiasm of our Horizons students. This outstanding attendance underscores the value of the program and the dedication of both our students and their families.

We're excited to tell you about an incredible collaboration that took place this Saturday. Our 5-8th graders joined forces with the students from the Harley Beyond Soup club, working together to prepare a delicious meal for 40 people. This culinary adventure featured stuffed peppers, a delectable squash purée, and zucchini muffins. What makes this initiative even more special is that much of the squash and zucchini used in the meal came from the Harley microfarm. A big shout out to the dedicated Harley student leaders, Maya and Lily, who put in countless hours of prep work to make this project possible. It was a fantastic experience that showcased the wonderful teamwork and dedication of both Horizons and Beyond Soup students. We look forward to exploring more collaborative opportunities in the future.

As we moved into the autumn spirit, many of our students reported experiencing the joy of carving pumpkins for the very first time. This hands-on activity allowed them to get creative and embrace the seasonal festivities, resulting in a memorable and exciting learning experience.

Lastly, we want to emphasize the integral role that swimming plays in the Horizons model. Our swimming program continues to provide our students with invaluable water safety skills and promotes a healthy, active lifestyle. We believe that this component is a crucial part of our holistic approach to education and personal development, contributing to our students' growth both inside and outside the classroom



We are grateful for your ongoing support, which makes all of these experiences possible. Your dedication and commitment to our program are truly invaluable. Thank you for being an essential part of the Horizons at Harley community. You can help support our Saturday programming by donating here https://www.horizonsatharley.org/donate/ or come out in person to our upcoming Guest Bartender event at Fattey Beer Co. at 60 Adventure Place, Tuesday November 14th, from 5:30-8:30pm. 


Have a great week.


Claire Labrosa 
Executive Director of Horizons at Harley  
Pronouns: she/her
The Harley School

1981 Clover St

Rochester, NY 14618

Main: (585) 442-1770

Fax: (585) 442-5758


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